After you put down all ingredients, a magical black light fills in the room and a black flower appears on the operating table. You then grind the petals and throw them into a broken cup on the table. After some bubbles, they soon resolve into the water.
The woman comes in and drinks the water, but then becomes stone and falls down into pieces. However, just as her parts disappear, your friends and you lose consciousness again.
Something had happened. You think when you wake up.
It is noon and the sun is out. Through windows, warm sunshine shines on the clean bricks. You feel relieved when you make sure that your friends are just sleeping.
Then you feel that there's something wrong with your body. You notice that you don't wear the azure blue gown but a dark gray hood, which the woman wears when you see her just before a couple of hours. You raise up your head and look into the mirror hanging in the room. There is a woman with clean short white hair and a strange, pale face. That's the figure of the witch you just killed.
You become the witch.