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新文档 2019-03-05 23.31.58_已編輯.jpg

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        "...I lived as a widow with my two daughters after my husband died, but people started to call me a witch and wanted to arrest my kids and me." Cinder read, "They said if I was not a witch, I would not be able to heal his blind eyes with my tears, but actually I was not..."

        She used to be called Rapunzel. The Curse added.

        So the rumor is real? Cinder asked.

        Only before seven hundred and sixty-eight years. Replied the Curse. After that, the only thing real is people’s illusion and obsession.

        "...I had no place to go in this country. I had to take my daughters and return the tower where I grew up. However, I found out that my witch godmother has been killed..."

        Do you know who killed her? Cinder asked.

        Some other prince who heard of the story of Rapunzel. The old witch did not imprison Ruby but simply raised Ruby in her tower. The witch used magic to blind the prince to make sure that he loved Ruby not simply because of her appearance, and then Ruby left the tower with her boyfriend by their own, without any interference from Ruby's godmother. When they passed the witch's tests, she broke her spell and Ruby cried for happiness. This is the truth, rather than Ruby was a witch and used tears to heal the eyes of the prince. The Curse replied in a low voice.

        "...I cleaned the tower and settled down. We enjoyed some peaceful time, but later people discovered the tower. The tale of Rapunzel began to be popular again, but now in the story, it was me to be the wicked witch. I read magical books to learn witchery and protect my families, but I failed. They first managed to catch my elder daughter, and then was my second child..."

        It was quite unrecognizable what was the next word. The writers' tears blurred later characters on that page.

        Then Ruby cut off her long hair and killed all invaders, but she failed once and almost died. The Curse said with sorrow. She was so desperate that her hair turned to be white. With her life, she cursed the invaders to be imprisoned forever in the tower as the princess they sought to rescue.

        "It was unfair for Ruby." Said Cinder. "She was strong and lived independently, and merely hoped to control her life and make her own decision. It’s her rights, but people don't understand her."

        She put the book back on the shelf. "I guess I know what will happen in the future. I need to study witchery as well if I want to protect myself and the tower."

        Then you will be your own magical godmother in fairy tales. The Curse laughed.

        "Why not? What about making you an entity to be a real creature first?" Cinder laughed, too. She climbed up the ladder and opened the door. Sunshine lit up the dark basement with warmth as if it could burn down all chains that restricted freedom.

新文档 2019-03-05 23.31.58_已編輯.jpg

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